
The Game

From http://www.math.chalmers.se/~magnus/GuiFest-95/challenges.html

(Colin Runciman)

Explode is a game for two or more players, in which each player has an inexhaustible supply of stones of their own distinctive colour. The game is played by placing the stones on the nodes of a finite connected graph, according to the rules below (in which we say a node is `full' when it holds as many stones as it has incident arcs).

Initially there are no stones on the graph. Players take it in turns to make a move. Each move increases the number of stones on the graph by one. A player takes a stone from their supply and places it on any node n not already containing stones of another colour. If this does not make n full, the move finishes. If it does make n full, then n `explodes': each adjacent node is invaded by one of the stones. The colour of any stones already in the invaded nodes turns to that of the invaders. Any of the invaded nodes that is now full also explodes in turn, and so on until either this move has caused every node in the graph to explode (and the player who made the move wins) or there are no more full nodes (and it is the next player's turn to move).

Explode is often played on a rectangular board divided into squares. The squares are the nodes, and there is an arc between squares with a common edge (ie., assuming at least a 3x3 board, corner squares have two arcs, other edge squares three, and non-edge squares four).

An `explode program' should provide a purely graphical interface to a rectangular board, depicted on the screen, with a height and width in squares set when the program is run. The program should support a contest between two players, displaying the effect of each move.


A solution in Fudgets, and one in K.


Offer a 10 x 10 game on port 4567:

k explode -i 4567 10 10

Accept a game:

k explode localhost 4567
