Each record in the Fact table is a transaction:
For example, the first record records a transaction with values v1 = 11 and v2 = 23 for a small blue office product in Paris, France on 2.2.2000.
There are two kinds of fields in the Fact table: Dimension fields, such as industry and year, and value fields, such as v1 and v2.
Dimension fields are hierarchically ordered within a dimension: the Product dimension is industry -> color -> size.
The initial view of the Fact table summarizes all values to the outermost level of two dimensions:
The OLAP window contains three components: a Results window, showing the aggregated data; a Slice control, which can be used to select within dimensions; and the Query window, which shows the SQL which generates the sliced result.
Additional controls along the top of the form:
Start resets the view to the initial aggregation.
Slices picks the dimension to slice:
Pivot swaps the X and Y axes:
Fs selects the aggregation function:
Ms selects the value to aggregate:
Xs selects the X dimension:
Ys selects the Y dimension:
and Detail shows the records in the Fact table underlying the current aggregation:
Clicking a cell in the Result table drills down into the aggregation. For example, Military + Italy =
For year 1997 only:
Clicking on an element in the row or column dimension disaggregates on that dimension only; for example, color = purple:
Observe that disaggregation on a dimension (or pair of dimensions) explodes the results into the next subdimension (or subdimensions). For example, disaggregating on Product.color = purple -> Product.size.
When disaggregation "bottoms out" on a dimension, the display shifts to show the underlying detail records. For example, clicking on size = medium produces:
The K implementation is about a page of code.
First, we set the fonts to something non-proportional:
\m f Courier-New \m l Courier-New
Then we define the Fact table. In a "real" application, we would read the table and its structural parameters off disk. In this demo version, we simply generate the data.
Fact.industry:`home`office`military N _draw 3 Fact.color:`red`blue`green`yellow`orange`purple N _draw 6 Fact.size:`tiny`small`medium`large`gigundo N _draw 5 Fact.city:t N _draw#t:`NY`LA`London`York`Bristol`Rome`Milan`Florence`Paris`Lyons Fact.country:(.+(t;`US`US`UK`UK`UK`Italy`Italy`Italy`France`France))Fact.city Fact.year:1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 N _draw 6 Fact.month:N _draw 12 Fact.day:N _draw 30 Fact.v1:N _draw 1000 Fact.v2:1.*N _draw 1000
In our example, we will generate a million records (N) of random integer (v1) and float (v2) data. Notice that we need to do a little extra work to make sure that cities are generated in the right countries.
A function to derive the sorted, unique dimension values:
nub:{.+(x;{{x@<x}@?x}'Fact x)}
And the structural parameters of the Fact table:
H[`product`location`time]:nub'(`industry`color`size;`country`city;`year`month`day) I..d:"@[H;_n;*!:]" Q..d:"H;.()" F..d:"H;*!T" M..d:"*(!Fact)_dvl,/!:'H[]" X..d:"H;*!`I" Y..d:"H;(!`I)1"
A pair of functions to handle NA's and Infinities:
nan:(0N;0n;;`)@- 1+4:: inf:(0I;0i)@- 1+4::
Aggregation functions:
T[`sum`num`min`max]:(+/;+/;&/;|/) sum:{x#@[(*/x)#*0#z;x _sv y;+;z]} num:{z;x#@[&*/x;x _sv y;+;1]} min:{x#@[(*/x)#inf z;x _sv y;&;z]} max:{x#@[(*/x)#-inf z;x _sv y;|;z]}
The Results window, defined as a dependency:
Z..d:":[Detail;detail[I]Q;drill[I;Q;X;Y;F]M]" Z..l..d:"\"Result: \",:[.k.Detail;$*|^.k.Z[];1_,/\" \",'$^.k.Z[]]"
The heart of the program is the drill-down function:
drill:{[i;q;x;y;f;m] n:#:'s:{H[x;i x]}'x,y d:f[n;s?/:'Fact[i x,y;j];Fact[m;j:true q]] d:(,nan[s 1],s 1),(,/T[f]'(,/d;+d)),'(,T[f]d),d a:.+(`e`k`bg;(0;".k.k[*_i].k.vn[]";bg)) t:.+(i[y,x],g:`$"x",'$!*n;d;a) .[t;(~g;`l);:;$*s]}
A function to get the detail records underlying the current aggregation:
detail:{[i;q].+(f;Fact[f:df i;true q];.,`e,0)} df:{[i]((!Fact)_dvl,/!:'H[]),,/(!i){((!H x)?y)_!H x}'i[]
Background color:
vn:{`$(1+#$_d)_$_v} bg:{:[((0=*_i)&~v=I Y)|I[X]=v:vn[];909090]}
Click function:
k:{:[(y=I Y)&x>0;ky x;(~y=IX)&x>0;kx[x]y]} nx:{(x,*|x)1+x?y}
kx:{ Q[I X,Y]:(H[X;I X;-2+(!Z)?y];H[Y;I Y;-1+x]) if[I[X,Y]~i:(nx[!H X]I X;nx[!H Y]I Y);Detail::1] I[X,Y]:i }
ky:{ Q[I Y]:H[Y;I Y;-1+x] if[I[Y]~i:nx[!H Y]I Y;Detail::1] I[Y]:i }
And the GUI:
Start:"H::;Detail:0" Pivot:"@[_d;`X`Y;:;Y,X];" Slices..d:".+(!H;(#!H)#,\"Slice..a:_i\")" Xs:@[H;_n;:[;"if[~_i=Y;X:_i]"]] Ys:@[H;_n;:[;"if[~_i=X;Y:_i]"]] Fs:@[_n;!T;:[;"F:_i"]] Ms:@[_n;(!Fact)_dvl,/!:'H[];:[;"M:_i"]] Start..c:Pivot..c:Slices..c:Ms..c:Fs..c:Xs..c:Ys..c:`button Detail:0 Detail..c:`check query:{[d;i;q;x;y;f;m]select[d;f;m],where[q],,group[i;x]y} select:{[d;f;m]("select",:[d;"*";($f),"(",($m),")"];"from Fact")} where:{[q]:[0=#!q;();@[" and ",/:($!q){x,"=",value y}'q[];0;"where ",5_]]} value:{:[4=4:x;"'",($x),"'";$x]} group:{[i;x;y]"group by ",($i x),",",$i y} Query..d:".k.query[Detail;.k.I;.k.Q;.k.X;.k.Y;.k.F].k.M" Query..e:0 Slice..d:"sliced/[.+(!H;{.+(!x;x[];slicea[])}'H[]);!Q;Q[]]" Slice..t:"if[`X _in _i;Q:slice[Q]Slice]" Slice..c:`form Slice..a..d:"*((!.k.H)_dvl .k.X,.k.Y),!.k.H" slicea:{.+(`e`k`X`bg;(0;".k.c[]";();.k.bgc))} sliced:{.[x;((!x)(y _in'!:'x[])?1;~y;`X);:;z]} c:{@[~_v;`X;:;(d;0#d)(d:_v ._i)~(~_v)`X];.[_v;();::];} bgc:{(;606060)(_v ._i)_in(),(~_v)`X} slice:{[q;s]{x _di(!x)@&0=#:'x[]}q{@[x;!y;:;y[.;`X]]}/s[]} .k..a:(`Start`Slices`Pivot`Fs`Ms`Xs`Ys`Detail;`Z;`Slice`Query) `show$`.k