the matrix and complex ops are beautiful .. e.g. pi is %-1 (i is _-1) M M? is matrix multiply and inverse &|M is matrix rotation .. euclid, fibonacci, eratosthenes, syracuse, .. all trivial polynomials, madhava, taylor, .. vade mecum name ~+-*%&|<>= !@? #_^ ,$. ~not &|(and/min or/max) !@?(mod at find) #_^(take drop cut) ~+-*%_ &|^<>?= #!@ ,$. ~not &|(flip flop) *%_(exp log sqrt) ^<>(order asc desc) ?=(unique group) #!@(count index first) *%-1 exp log (rotate) &|M flip flop (rotate) <>V asc desc (rank) #!2 count index @,2 first list ~'~\ diff integral e.g. mode:|/-'!~' mode:@>#'= -'+\ diff integral %'*\ diff integral f'g\ f-delta g-scan f/g f-reduce g-map c/\ split join c/c\"2,3" i/\ code decode 2/2\5 V V? at find M M? at find(matmul inverse) 2#3_!6 take drop ,/2^!6 cut cat c$$3 type$string 2!!3 mod!index n..D key.value .=%x+.y madhava/cotes/euler |!\4 6 euclid |+\3 2 pingala(fibonacci) .. madhava(napier/newton/taylor/..) |/n#'~!' eratosthenes (2!)(2?)/1+3* syracuse 80:+-*%&|<>=~$!@?#_^, [x][fF]['/\] [cCiIeE]['/\] lxyz (log2 cos sin tan)