Counters: A GUI Fest Challenge

Challenge problem


The "Multiple Counter" program shows a counter which can be incremented manually or periodically. The counter can at any time be copied, giving a new counter with its own independent state, which is copied from the old counter in the very moment of creation. A counter can also be linked, giving a new view to the same counter. One can think of the copying and linking as being analogous to ln and cp applied to files under Unix.

A counter view looks something like this:

| 	     |
| +--------+ |
| | 0      | |
| +--------+ |
|            |
|            |
| +--------+ |
| | Manual | |
| +--------+ |
|            |
| +--------+ |
| | Auto   | |
| +--------+ |
|            |
| +--------+ |
| | Copy   | |
| +--------+ |
|            |
| +--------+ |
| | Link   | |
| +--------+ |

It contains the following elements:

If possible, it should be possible to distinguish counters that are linked - eg. links have the same background colour or window title, copies have a different colour or title, or perhaps by layout - links placed across the screen, copies placed down the screen.

A solution in fudgets, and one in K.

A K Solution

A counter is either a copy of an existing counter, or a link to one.

When the copy button of a counter C is pressed, the following operations are performed:

When count[i] changes, D updates itself from count[i]; when D changes, it updates count[i] with its new value.

When the link button of a counter C is pressed, the following operation is performed:

If D is linked from C, then both D and C depend on count[i]: if either changes, count[i] is updated, and so the other link will update itself from count[i].

Let's step through the code.

Initialize the count variable:


p0 is a dictionary containing five variables:

p0.value	0		0
p0.manual 	code which increments value
p0.copy		code which calls the copy functiuon with a symbol of its dictionary		code which calls the copy function with a symbol of its dictionary
p0[`value`auto`manual`copy`link]:(0;0;"value+:1";".k.copy _d";" _d")

Classify the variables in p0:


value is a data widget, auto is a checkbutton, manual, copy, and link are buttons.


I, initialized to 0, is incremented whenever a new counter is manufactured. p0's label is "0".

copy:{`show$~@[~new[];`d`t`l;:;(".k.count ",i;".k.count[",i,";_i]:_v ._i";i:$-1+#count,:. x)]}

The copy function contains one line of code, and has the form:


A new counter-name is generated. Its dependency, trigger, and label attributes are defined. Input to the function x is the counter whose copy button was pressed; that counter is appended to count.


The link function. The function contains one line of code, and has the same form as copy, except that it is much simpler. A new counter is created, and its value is the counter x which is input to the link function.


The new function. Make a new counter name by incrementing I and appending it to ".k.p".

\t 1

Every second the timer .t is updated with the current time. The timer trigger checks each counter to see if auto is on. If so, it increments its value.


Kick things off by making a copy of the counter template p0.
