An SASL Prelude
(cf. Appendix A of the notes)
Some programming tasks are so common and repeating when dealing with
functional languages (well, this applies to programming in general)
that it is a good habit to provide the compiler with a library of
predefined functions, often referred to as prelude. A
well-designed prelude can significantly increase the user-friendliness
and usefulness of the SASL system. The prelude gets loaded at the
compiler's startup so that user's may refer to names defined in the
prelude when they start writing their own programs. Below, we
list the some of the functions that deserve a place in a decent SASL
prelude. It is common practice to collect these definitions in one
file that is presented to the compiler before it sees the user's
program (the interactive SASL compiler
interface gives you the choice to do so).
Standard functions
List processing
Curried versions of arithmetic and relational operators
Standard functions
id (idendity)
def id x = x
until (iterate applications of f to x until p is met)
def until p f x = if p x then x else until p f (f x)
comp (f o g)
def comp f g x = f (g x)
List processing
map (apply f to all elements of list l)
def map f l = if l=nil then nil
else f x:map f xs where x = hd l;
xs = tl l
fold (compute m x1 (m x2 (m x3 ... (m xn z)...))
with l = [x1,x2,x3, ..., xn])
def fold m z l = if l=nil then z
else m x (fold m z xs) where x = hd l;
xs = tl l
append (concatenation of l1 and l2)
def append l1 l2 = if l1=nil then l2
else x:append xs l2 where x = hd l1;
xs = tl l1
reverse (list reversal)
def reverse l = if l=nil then nil
else append (reverse (tl l)) [hd l]
filter (list of elements of list l meeting p)
def filter p l = if l=nil then nil
else if p x then x:filter p xs
else filter p xs where x = hd l;
xs = tl l
sort (insertion sort with respect to relation
p; contributed by Andres)
def sort p l = if l=nil then nil
else insert p (hd l) (sort p (tl l))
insert pp e ll = if ll=nil then [e]
if pp e (hd ll) then e:ll
(hd ll):insert pp e (tl ll)
drop (l, but without its first n elements)
def drop n l = if n<=0 then l
else if l=nil then nil
else drop (n-1) (tl l)
take (prefix of l of max. length n)
def take n l = if n=0 or l=nil then nil
else x:take (n-1) xs where x = hd l;
xs = tl l
at (n-th element of l)
def at n l = if n=0 then hd l
else at (n-1) (tl l)
length (length of l)
def length l = if l=nil then 0
else 1+length (tl l)
null (is l the empty list?)
def null l = l=nil
init (l with its last element removed)
def init l = if xs=nil then nil
else x:init xs where x = hd l;
xs = tl l
iterate (the infinite list [x, f x, f (f x), f (f (f x)), ...])
def iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x)
repeat (the infinite list [x, x, x, x, ...])
def repeat x = xs where xs=x:xs
cycle (the infinite list append(l, append(l,
append(l, ...)...)))
def cycle xs = xs1 where xs1=append xs xs1
splitAt (split l into two lists at element
position n and return the two pieces)
def splitAt n l = if n<=0 then []:l
else if l=nil then []:[]
else ((hd l):xs1):xs2
xs = splitAt (n-1) (tl l);
xs1 = hd xs;
xs2 = tl xs
takeWhile (longest prefix of l whose elements meet
def takeWhile p l = if l=nil then nil
else if p x then x:takeWhile p xs
else nil
x = hd l;
xs = tl l
sum (sum of l's elements)
def sum = fold plus 0
product (product of l's elements)
def product = fold mul 1
Curried versions of arithmetic and relational operators
def plus x y = x+y
def mul x y = x*y
def div x y = x/y
def div2 y x = x/y
def minus x y = x-y
def minus2 y x = x-y
def lt x y = x=y
def gt x y = x>y
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© Torsten Grust <>
Last modified: Sep 29, 1997